Hi, my name is Judy. I would like to share with you how my life was changed by a tragedy and what got me through the whole ordeal.
My son was murdered by a 15-year-old trying to steal a $40.00 dollar pair of tennis shoes on a Sunday afternoon in 2005. This young man changed the future of my whole family in just a matter of minutes. If it hadn’t been for the Metro Police Chaplain and the counselors provided to us, I wouldn’t have known what steps to take to get through the pain.
These counselors are now housed at the Family Safety Center with others to help you get whatever help you may need. That is how I got involved with the VOICES Board. It gives me the opportunity to inform the community; do service in the community; and reach out to others that need help. This is a way for me to give back a helping hand that was given to me. We would love to have you join us or just contact us to ask questions, if you are someone that needs help or knows someone who does.