YWCA Pet Shelter

The Nashville YWCA is committed to every possible action to bring more people out of abusive situations and into a place where they can begin healing and planning a bright future. The pet shelter – Abbie’s Safe Home – removes a barrier to safety and allow pets and people to escape abuse together.

Pets are not immune to domestic violence. Abusers threaten, injure, or kill their partners’ pets as a form of control. Studies show nearly 1/2 of women in abusive relationships delayed leaving for fear their pets would be harmed.
71 % of pet owners entering shelters reported their abusers had threatened, injured, or killed their family pets.
85 % of shelters report that they commonly encounter women who speak about pet abuse incidents.
52 % of victims in shelters left their pets with their abusers.
55 % of victims and their children report that their pets are very important sources of emotional support.


A place to rest!
walking trail
One of the outdoor spots where a client’s dog can relax



Bath time!