Human Trafficking Response
If you or someone you know has experienced human trafficking or abusive exploitation, visit our page for human trafficking resources for victims & survivors here.
The Office of Family Safety works to combat human trafficking by participating in multiple Nashville-Davidson County anti-trafficking initiatives. These initiatives include:
Direct service provision for victims of human trafficking

OFS provides case management, advocacy, education and individual and group therapeutic support with the help of partners for victims of Human Trafficking.
OFS also distributed 59 Gift cards to survivors (valued at $2,950 total), $543.31 in financial assistance, $483 in clothing and basic toiletries.
Anti-trafficking Collaborative of Davidson County (ACDC)
The Anti-trafficking Collaborative of Davidson County is an initiative first coordinated in 2019. This multidisciplinary team includes several state and local partners who work with victims of Human Trafficking in Davidson County. ACDC has three primary goals:
- Enhancing Cross-Training Between Agencies and Agency Knowledge of Human Trafficking
- Enhancing Local Law Enforcement Response & Prosecution Efforts
- Increasing Community Awareness & Education Events
Human Trafficking Intervention Court (Cherished HEARTS)

Cherished HEARTS is a court program that provides rehabilitation services for individuals who have experienced Human Trafficking. OFS currently provides Cherished HEARTS with case management and trauma support for the victims of the court. Cherished HEARTS partners include:
- General Sessions Court
- General Sessions Probation
- Nashville District Attorney’s Office
- Nashville Public Defenders Office
- End Slavery Tennessee
- Thistle Farms
- Mental Health Co-Op
- Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
Red Sand Human Trafficking Awareness Event

Every year, OFS coordinates a Human Trafficking awareness event in July. This event pulls together several partners who do anti-trafficking work in Nashville to expand awareness among the Nashville community. The Red Sand event is an artistic display of victims of trafficking who have been left behind by society.
For 2021, we hosted an event at the Family Safety Center, along with a virtual social media campaign, and an art walk featuring art provided by survivors of Human Trafficking.
If you are interested in learning more about OFS’s human trafficking work, please contact our team at